Thursday, October 7, 2010

What do tea, a book, a towel, and a toilet seat all have in common?

What do tea, a book, a towel, and a toilet seat all have in common? A bath! lol Yesterday I found enough time to indulge in one of my favorite past times, a long relaxing bath. I even had the time to try the Oyin Handmade Bath Fizz I received a month or two back at their pod cast taping. It was very moisturizing to my skin. I just wish it would have smelled a little stronger. Inside the packet,  the fizz smelled like Burnt Sugar Pomade but in the bath it really had no fragrance. Then again I was burning rosemary incent...:/ Hmm Idk I just wish it would have had more smell lol But the bath was very relaxing. I really enjoyed the tranquility of it. I've been working so hard lately and yesterday was a crazy day. If you want to know how crazy check out my "How You Doing Wednesday" you tube video. But I'm holding it together with God's grace. I've been reading Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi's entire body of work and Half of a Yellow Sun has not failed in comparison to her other novels. This woman is a truly remarkable writer. She exposes us to Africa's post colonial issues in a way that is very informative yet engrossing. She gives you a little sugar with your medicine and writes in a way that really opens your heart and mind to Africa's political climate. My tea was my tea. It is always the same green (sometimes with a little citrus or peach) and hot:) I really enjoyed my Cee time today as I don't really have much down time anymore. I know some people are grossed out at the thought of baths, but i encourage you all to try it. You muscles and skin will thank you later:) As always I wish you all peace and light. Cee ya in the next post!


  1. awesome book and writer! Her speeches she gives are also inspirational and I adore her character. I didn't feel that the 'purple hibiscus' matched half of a yellow. Felt like it lacked the depth and moving narrative that carried me away when I read HOAYS. But it was still a good read. I know she has some short stories out? Or new material.. but since i did a book shopping binge some time ago, I have to work through what i have!

  2. I have just begun reading HOAYS and it is really good thus far but I loved Purple Hipiscus'. Your right she didn't go in to depth with that novel but I feel like if she had it might have put the reader off. There was some heavy content in that novel but then again I just started HOAYs and that might be heavy too..What are you reading now??

  3. At present I am reading Jodi Picoult's vanishing acts. I've read 'my sisters keeper' also read 'nineteen minutes' and got bored of the whole dilemma in the courtroom scenarios. I bought this book for £1 at the second hand shop and it was the first one I grabbed off the shelf to read last week. I haven't read a book in a long while and this one is already quite good. I hope you are still enjoying HOAYs :)

  4. I am still enjoying. It is at the part where there is talk of war but Odenigbo and Olanna are not packing to leave. It is taking me forever to get through this book with my two jobs! lol But I am throughly enjoying it:) What is 'my sisters keeper'about? I would like to check that out and does this reply come to your email? Just wondering
