Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DIY: T-Shirt Scarf

Peace Family,

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am blessed to say I did. My day was spent with family. My sister and I actually hosted Thanksgiving dinner at our house which was a first and we really enjoyed. While many folks were out partaking in the black Friday sales, we (my two sisters, cousin, her husband, and two sons) went to the movies and took a little time for some DIY which produced the picture you see above. I got the idea from Mr. Kate on YouTube. I will post a link to the video below in case you choose to make one yourself. The scarf was SUPER easy to make and fun to personalize. If you have any questions or tutorials that you would like to share leave a comment below. Until next time, I wish you all peace and light. Enjoy the video below!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Quote of the Day: Vision (TGIF!)

Peace Family,

Wishing you all a happy and fun Friday. Wanted to share this quote with you all as I read it this morning and felt very directed by it. I hope you enjoy as well:)

"Only a clear picture of who you are and where you want to go can help you prioritise what you need to do. We all make choices. The question is, are you going to make choices that bring you closer to your goal or take you further away from it?"

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Quote of the Day: Fighting Fear

Peace Family,

Wishing you all a peaceful and happy Monday! Quote of the day below. Let's be fearless in our pursuits this week...

"We've all experienced the fear that makes us want to pull back. Only those who overcome it go far in life. '..."Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant"' (Psalm 35:27). Conquering the fear of failure begins with believing, 'God wants me to succeed.' Undergirded by that truth you cannot only defy your fears but defeat them."

Song of the Day: "Nothin Else"

Peace Family,

I've been listening to Justin's first album "Justified" so much lately. Reminds me of a really happy time in my life. Sometimes its nice to reminisce. At any rate, I like "Nothin Else" in particular because it has a Marvin Gaye feel that is just for lack of a better phrase: feel good. I mean it just feels good when you're listening to it and it stays with you. I find myself humming the melody long after the song has gone off. The lyrics are just great and creative and you can definitely hear Pharrell all up and through the song. Take a listen below and let me know what you think. Until next time, I wish you all peace and light:)


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Essence Magazine Gift Bag :)

Peace Family,

Happy Saturday! I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day. I myself am inside working on papers for school. Really anticipating the successful completion of this semester..

I recently renewed my subscription to Essence Magazine and was sent the cutest little gift bag with lots of cool samples. Check out the video below to cee what I got. Cee you in the next post!

Aiyana on Michael Baisden!!!

Peace Family,

You may remember my interview of the beautiful couple Ayize and Aiyana Maat back in November of 2010. They are the power force behind Bintentional.com which explores black love and marriage. Well, Aiyana was recently on the Michael Baisden show!!! Check out her feature in the video below. If you feel so inclined, stop by their website and show some love. Tell them Cee sent you!

Peace & <3

Monday, November 14, 2011

Quote for the day: Positive Thinking

"Thoughts of poverty and lack are a waste of the valuable power of the mind.  In order to experience wealth, success and well-being, it is necessary to train the mind to think positively.  Positive thinking is more than a cliche.  It is an attitude that embraces the wealth of the human experience.  The mind is a tool that can turn a negative into a positive with a stream of progressive thoughts."-I.Vanzant

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Motivation: Flaws and All

Peace Family,

I hope you are all having a peaceful Sunday. I was going through my old you tube videos and found this one which is a video response about personal flaws and how to deal with them. I hope this video serves as a bit of encouragement for all of you. If you feel so moved, leave your way of dealing with flaws below. Until the next post, I wish you all peace and light.


Homemade Tinted Moisturizer

Peace Family,

I wanted to come and share a great way to combat the ashies this winter and keep a smooth even toned face at the same time. I love this recipe because it is a two and one quick way to achieve a flawless face. Enjoy the tutorial below and if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them. Cee ya in the next post!

Quote for the Day: Dream!

"Your dream doesn't have to be big; it just has to be bigger than you."

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Quote for Today..

"when life is ready for us to move and we resist, life will move us by any means necessary! What may feel like a disaster is actually a graduation"-I. Vanzant

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Winter Boot Collection!!

Peace Family,

I am in the beginning of what is going to be a three part Fall/Winter series where I will share my shoe, coat, and skirt collection. The reason for my sharing these things with you all is to display how I have built my personal wardrobe over the years and how I have maintained each item. With wear and tear our clothes and shoes do become a little damaged, but with a few precautions, we can wear our favorite items for years to come! Enjoy the first video in the series below. Blessing for a peaceful and positive day!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Earrings and Things:)

Peace Family,

Coming on to wish you all a wonderful day:) I also wanted to share my latest you tube video because I bought some really cool earrings and other things that I think many of you might be interested in. Talk to you all soon.

Peace and light,
