Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DIY: T-Shirt Scarf

Peace Family,

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am blessed to say I did. My day was spent with family. My sister and I actually hosted Thanksgiving dinner at our house which was a first and we really enjoyed. While many folks were out partaking in the black Friday sales, we (my two sisters, cousin, her husband, and two sons) went to the movies and took a little time for some DIY which produced the picture you see above. I got the idea from Mr. Kate on YouTube. I will post a link to the video below in case you choose to make one yourself. The scarf was SUPER easy to make and fun to personalize. If you have any questions or tutorials that you would like to share leave a comment below. Until next time, I wish you all peace and light. Enjoy the video below!